Computerized Cognitive and Skills Training in Older People With Mild Cognitive Impairment: Using Ecological Momentary Assessment to Index Treatment-Related Changes in Real-World Performance of Technology-Dependent Functional Tasks

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Cognitive and functional skills training improves skills and cognitive test performance, but the true test of efficacy is real-world transfer. We trained participants with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or normal cognition (NC) for up to 12 weeks on six technology-related skills using remote computerized functional skills assessment and training (FUNSAT) software. Using ecological momentary assessment (EMA), we measured real-world performance of the technology-related skills over 6 months and related EMA-identified changes in performance to training gains.


Randomized clinical trial with post-training follow-up.


A total of 14 Community centers in New York City and Miami.


Older adults with normal cognition (n = 72) or well-defined MCI (n = 92), ranging in age from 60 to 90, primarily female, and racially and ethnically diverse.


Computerized cognitive and skills training.


EMA surveys measuring trained and untrained functional skills 3 or more days per week for 6 months and training gains from baseline to end of training.


Training gains in completion times across all 6 tasks were significant (p <0.001) for both samples, with effect sizes more than 1.0 SD for all tasks. EMA surveys detected increases in performance for both trained (p <0.03) and untrained (p <0.001) technology-related skills for both samples. Training gains in completion times predicted increases in performance of both trained and untrained technology-related skills (all p <0.001).


Computerized training produces increases in real-world performance of important technology-related skills. These gains continued after the end of training, with greater gains in MCI participants.

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