Unlocking the power of EMAs in Clinical Research

“Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) methods and technologies, designed to support the self-report of experience in the moment of daily life, have long been considered poised to revolutionize human-centered research, the practice of design and mental healthcare”

“Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) methods and technologies, designed to support the self-report of experience in the moment of daily life, have long been considered poised to revolutionize human-centred research, the practice of design and mental healthcare”

“Realizing the significant potential of EMA therefore requires designers to attend to a complex and interconnected set of methodological, technological and human factor.”

K. Doherty, A. Balaskas and G. Doherty, "The Design of Ecological Momentary Assessment Technologies," in Interacting with Computers, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 257-278, Aug. 2020, doi: 10.1093/iwcomp/iwaa019.

EMA Wellness is the industry leader in the design, delivery and analysis of EMAs.

In simple terms, Ecological Momentary Assessments (EMAs) are a way to study people’s experiences and behaviors as they happen, using mobile devices to collect data in real-time. It allows researchers to better understand how people’s experiences and behaviors change over time, and in response to different situations and environmental factors.   EMAs are typically paired, or integrated, with digital data measurements or digital biomarkers, in clinical research.  

In practice, EMAs involve collecting data from individuals in real-time, as they go about their daily lives. This method uses mobile devices such as smartphones or smartwatches to collect data about an individual’s experiences, behaviors, and environmental factors as they occur.

EMAs can be used to study a wide range of phenomena, such as mood, stress, physical activity, and social interactions. They provides researchers with a more accurate picture of an individual’s experiences and behaviors, as it captures data in real-time and in natural settings.

In clinical research, EMA has become an increasingly popular method for studying the daily experiences of individuals with various health conditions, including mental health disorders.

EMA involves asking participants to provide frequent, brief reports of their experiences and behaviors throughout the day. Participants can use a variety of methods to provide these reports, such as smartphone apps, text messaging, or web-based surveys. EMA data can provide insights into the fluctuation of symptoms over time, the impact of environmental and situational factors on symptoms, and the effectiveness of interventions.

In clinical research, EMA has been used to study a wide range of mental health and other conditions. For example, EMA Wellness uses EMAs in CNS disorders to track the participants’ mood and energy levels several times a day over several weeks. This allows researchers and sponsors to identify patterns in mood and energy levels, as well as to track the effects of medication and other interventions.

EMAs can also be used to identify triggers for certain behaviors or symptoms. For example, EMA Wellness has designed and delivered EMAs in multiple studies that establish relationships between EMA compliance and adherence to study activities.

Overall, EMAs provides a valuable tool for clinical researchers to better understand the daily experiences and behaviors of individuals with various health conditions, and to develop more effective interventions to improve their outcomes

The combination of digital biomarkers and EMAs can provide a powerful tool for understanding individual health status and behaviors, and for developing more personalized and effective interventions.

Digital biomarkers are a type of health data that are captured through various digital technologies, such as wearables, mobile apps, and sensors. These biomarkers can provide valuable insights into an individual’s health status, including physical activity levels, heart rate variability, and sleep patterns.   

Digital biomarkers and EMAs are related in that they both capture data on an individual’s health status and behaviors in real-time. Digital biomarkers  provide objective measures of an individual’s physiological and behavioral responses, while EMAs provide subjective self-report data on an individual’s experiences and behaviors.

By combining digital biomarkers with EMAs, researchers can gain a more comprehensive understanding of an individual’s health status and behaviors. For example, EMA Wellness has used EMA data, activity data and sleep data in studies to establish strong correlations between activity and changes in symptoms.    The combination allows researchers to explore how objective measures of physical activity are related to subjective experiences of stress and mood, and to better understand the complex interplay between different aspects of an individual’s condition ‘outside the clinic’ in research studies. 

EMAs have become increasingly popular in clinical research due to its ability to capture data in real-time and enhance the validity and ecological validity of the data. However, using EMA in clinical research also presents some significant challenges that need to be considered.  EMA in clinical research offers many benefits.  

  1.  Design.  There are complex variables that must take into account the objectives of the research, validity of the EMA survey/questions, all while maximizing compliance.  EMA Wellness combines industry leading science with our experience in delivery and execution.
  2. Participant compliance:  Participants must complete the assessments regularly.  Improper design of the EMAs or their relationship to the protocol can result in unacceptable compliance.  
  3. Data management and analysis:  Collecting large amounts of data can also pose challenges in terms of data management and analysis.  Efficient and interpretable analysis is required to extract meaningful insights.  The real-time nature of EMAs presents exciting opportunities when paired with effective analysis.  
  4. Ethics and privacy:  Researchers and their partners must ensure that the data collected is kept secure and that participants’ privacy is protected.

The experience and expertise of EMA Wellness will allow sponsors to meet these challenges while ensuring the validity, reliability, and ethicality of their studies.


EMA Wellness is the only company founded specifically to design and collect EMA data.  Our differentiation lies in our ability to design integrated EMA programs which are also inclusive of primary and exploratory endpoints, including digital biomarkers.  The resulting statistical analysis plans are repeatable and assure that insights are presented and utilized, both in real time intra study and in the registration documents.

We have prepared an overview of EMAs.  For more information, please contact us.